Fallout 3 dogmeat mod

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The player's usual combat choices are also amended, with the canine player character instead having a selection of different bite attacks. Rather than the usual player-created Bostonian, Fallout 4 instead begins in a somewhat more hirsute manner. The mod, from Nexus Mods user and creator Abbalovesyou, grants the player the chance to enjoy the game from the beginning as Dogmeat - or any other wasteland-dwelling dog. Now, a new Fallout 4 mod allows the player to take on the role of Dogmeat himself. With the canine ally playing an important role in a number of games in the series, Dogmeat even picked up an award for Top Video Game Dog at this year's World Dog Awards.

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A new mod for Fallout 4 allows the player to swap their human character form for that of beloved canine sidekick Dogmeat, complete with a dog-sized Pip Boy.Īlthough the Fallout series is chock full of interesting an memorable characters, it's the loyal animal companion Dogmeat that is perhaps the most important of the lot.